Privacy policy

Data protection

The data controller for your data is ARDE ADVISORY S.L., owned by Mónica Arduán Ortiz, with tax ID number (NIF) 11817502X, and with registered office at Calle Núñez de Balboa 76, Madrid. Email:

Purpose and Legitimacy

The personal data that you provide during the pre-contractual and, where applicable, contractual relationship will be processed confidentially for the purposes of managing our services and attending to any enquiries you may make; they will also be used, in the event that you give your express consent, to send you commercial communications via traditional or electronic channels.

Any data provided must be correct and belong to the user him or herself, and they must be accurate and truthful for the purposes for which they are requested; otherwise, you will be responsible for any inaccuracy.

There is legitimate justification for the processing of these data, as they are necessary in order to enter into the pre-contractual and, where applicable, contractual relationship.


Your data will not be passed on to third parties unless this is required in law or express authorisation is given. Third parties who provide services to the data controller may have access to the data in their capacity as data processors.


Your data will be processed for the period that is strictly necessary in order to comply with the specific purpose or purposes that led to their collection. The personal data provided by the user in order to receive commercial communications will be kept until the data subject requests their deletion or withdraws his or her consent.

The data controller will comply with the provisions of the regulations in force with regard to its duty to delete any personal data that is no longer required for the purpose or purposes for which it was collected, though it will encrypt data for the purposes of responding to any potential liability that may arise from the processing of the data in question, but only until such liability becomes legally time-barred


As the owner of your personal data, you may at any time exercise your rights of access, correction, deletion, objection, portability and restriction of processing, as set out in GDPR (EU) 2016/679, by writing to Calle Núñez de Balboa 76, Madrid 28006, or by sending an email to headed “Data Protection”. Your request must specify which of these rights you wish to exercise, and it must be accompanied by a photocopy of your National Identity Card or a similar identifying document. If you are not satisfied with the exercise of your rights or the way they are exercised, you may file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority. You can obtain more information at, bajo el asunto de “Protección de datos”. La solicitud deberá especificar cuál de estos derechos solicita que sea satisfecho y debe ir acompañada de una fotocopia de su DNI o documento identificativo equivalente. Cuando no haya obtenido satisfacción en el ejercicio de sus derechos o la forma de ejercerlos podrá presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de Control. Obtenga más información en


Last update: April 2021



