Legal advice

El acceso y uso de la página web (en adelante, “Web” o “sitio Web”) es de carácter comercial y está sujeta a las presentes condiciones de uso, por lo que le recomendamos que las lea atentamente cada vez que acceda a nuestro sitio Web.

De conformidad con la normativa europea (Directiva 2000/31/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 8 de junio, relativa a determinados aspectos de los Servicios de la Sociedad de la información) y la Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSSI), se le informa de que el titular de la web es ARDE Advisory, bajo la titularidad de Monica Arduán Ortiz, con NIF: 11817502X, y domicilio a estos efectos en la calle Núñez de Balboa 76, Madrid; correo electrónico: (en adelante, el “Titular”).


Conditions of use

1. Through this Website we offer users the possibility of accessing information about our services. Access to this Website does not in any way imply the initiation of any commercial relationship with the Owner. The contents of the Website are solely intended for information purposes.

The Owner reserves the right to modify, suspend cancel or restrict access to the contents of the Website or the links or content obtained via the Website, without the need for any prior notice.

2. Users undertake to use the Website in accordance with the law, this present legal disclaimer, the regulations and instructions of which they have been made aware, accepted good practice and public order.

Users are expressly forbidden from using this Website for purposes that are harmful to the property or interests of third parties, or from using it in any way that may overload, damage, render inoperative, weaken or hinder the normal use of its contents or the documents, archives, networks, servers, IT equipment, products and/or applications belonging to the owner and/or third parties, or that may prevent the Website’s normal use.

3. The Owner is not responsible for any damage that may result from the incorrect, inappropriate or unlawful use of information shown on the Website or content published on the Owner’s social networks.

The Owner will not be liable under any circumstances for damage of any kind that may result from the presence of viruses or other elements that could cause alterations to users’ physical or logical systems or their electronic documents or files.

The Website may contain links to other third party websites over which the Owner has no control. The Owner cannot therefore assume any liability for the content that may appear on third party websites.

The Owner makes every effort to include exact, precise and up-to-date information on this Website. However, the information may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors, and the Owner will therefore not be held responsible for the accuracy, integrity, veracity, sufficiency, current validity or comprehensiveness of the information contained on the Website, or for any kind of damage that may result from a lack of accuracy, comprehensiveness or current validity, or from any errors or omissions that may affect the information and/or services published on this Website.

To the extent possible, the Owner excludes any liability for damage of any kind that may result from the unavailability of this Website or a break in the continuity of its operation. It also excludes any liability for electronic or any other kind of damage that users may suffer when accessing the contents of this Website.

4. Intellectual Property: All rights are reserved by the Owner.

All the content shown on the Website, including photographs, images, drawings, texts, audio, video, software, logos and design, is protected by the Intellectual and Industrial Property Regulations, particularly Royal Legislative Decree 1/96, which approved the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Act, and Spanish Trademarks Act 17/2001. Rights to the Website’s contents belong to the Owner or to third parties that have assigned the rights to their use on this Website.

Any act involving the transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or public communication [of this content], whether wholly or in part, must have the Owner’s express written consent.

Under no circumstance does access to this Website imply the assignment, transfer or any other kind of waiver of Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights, either wholly or in part. Users of the Website shall refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protective device or security system that may have been installed on the Website.

The unauthorised use of the materials and information contained on this Website may constitute a violation of the law governing intellectual or industrial property and other applicable regulations. As a consequence, the Owner reserves the right to pursue any infringement of its intellectual and industrial property rights in court.

5. Applicable law and jurisdiction: These present terms and conditions are governed by Spanish law, and the Courts and Tribunals of the place in which the user is domiciled shall have the necessary jurisdiction, pursuant to the contents of Article 90.2 of Royal Legislative Decree 1 of 16 November 2007, which approved the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Act for the Defence of Consumers and End Users and other supporting legislation.



If you have any questions or comments about this website, you can send an email to the address:


Last update: April 2021
